this is like actually pretty bangin, i think ith fl you can make yor loops, try to get a heavier bass and itll be set
this is like actually pretty bangin, i think ith fl you can make yor loops, try to get a heavier bass and itll be set
thats industrial for yah
lol great garage band work
ill do a vrs with yahs sometime man, lol this is all loops, ive memorized every track in garage band lol. this is strange in how alot more people downloaded this, and its all loops pretty much well blended, when i add somehting to mine, and it dont get voted on. ive made 10 more songs, but i doubt im going to submit them cause ppl seem to hate me stuffs for no reason
Thta was pretty good
only in a while it got boring, but hey yah always get betta =D
...thanks i guess....
hey man this is ur like best 1
but, its not perfect, could be a bit longer, and maybe like make a chorus line, and reapeat it sometimes, Great song man.
this is awesome
but not perfect, you should make the sounds you want the ppl to hear louder, so they can like go headbanging and stuff =D its what i try ta do check out my song,"The Remix" its me best 1
Dude wow
This could go so so so friggin far dude, This is like crazy stuffs. this is definetly woth better than a 4 man, amazing crazy, i just am stunned to speak. Gave it a 5 and dled it, sweet sweet sweet.
Yo thx for reviewin my audio 2, yah gotta check ma new song"the remix" =D its my best work to date, just made it.
Peace out
Hey man! glad u liked this song, u ought to check out my most recent sub's. According to me, they're much better than this one :D
I don't have full access to internet at the moment, but i sure will check out "the remix" when I do, in a week from now or so.
Again, thx alot for the review!
dude this sucked
i have no idea y this is a good song, i have to say this dont deserve nothin, ITS FRIGIN NEWAGE NOT TECHNO my god ppl on here dont kno trance from rock what the fuck????
nice the deep base pwns it
du what do yah use fer ur makin music, we could do a vrs yo!
Thanks for the high score, but in all honesty, I didn't understand a word you said. Ghetto talk is very immature and stupid, so next time if you write a review, please write it in english!
if it wasnt wav i would like it
wav files are way to big
SIX1 Studios!! exclusive stuff is now on there, to big to submit on newgrounds(this is all my noobie shit)
Age 33, Male
Joined on 11/5/04